Religious Trauma Syndrome
To quote Dr. Marlene Winell, “Religious Trauma Syndrome is the condition experienced by people who are struggling with leaving an authoritarian, dogmatic religion and coping with the damage of indoctrination. They may be going through the shattering of a personally meaningful faith and/or breaking away from a controlling community and lifestyle.”
My intention is not to appropriate Dr. Winell’s work, instead, I highly recommend those working through RTS to look into her resources here. If you’d simply like someone else to talk to who has also battled and is still battling through portions of RTS, I am here to listen and share without judgment. We can do this together.
Religious Trauma
Religious trauma feels like two words that should not exist as a pair. There are times when religion taken to an extreme can be traumatic. Often times, physical, psychological, and emotional abuse are also paired along and religion is used as a justification for the abuse. I’m here to listen without judgment. There is healing ahead, you deserve to get support. Let’s talk.
While there are many therapists serving our LGBTQ+ friends and family members, not everyone has access to someone who is willing to listen without judgment or shame. This is especially hard for LGBTQ+ members who wish to keep their faith and have questions about professing a faith in Jesus. I’m here to listen without judgment. Let’s talk.
Religious Addiction
There’s a saying that virtues taken to an extreme, become vices. In some ways religion can become an addiction when taken to the extreme. Ways to tell is if religion creates a hyper focus on spirituality to the point where we are no longer attending to basic needs or basic responsibilities. Sometimes children or other family members are pushed aside because of an addiction. I’m here to listen without judgments. Let’s talk
Arrested Development
Something that is familiar among some religious environments is a pause or plateau in someone’s development. This can feel like being stuck in a perpetual child-like state or in many cases, not feeling like one is able to “adult,” or more commonly known as difficulty with “adulting.” I have been through this myself and am not here to judge, but to listen with care. Let’s talk!
Compartmentalization/ Splitting
Psychological splitting is one of the most exhausting places to be in life. If this is something you’re working through and need someone to talk to, I’m here to listen without judgment. Let’s talk.
Christian Confessional
Protestants, Evangelicals and Pentecostals have often looked down upon the concept of confessional, because we think it’s a Catholic thing. James 5:16 tells us otherwise; to confess our sins to one another in order to be healed. We’re missing out on major healing, when our churches often judge, shame and guilt trip their members. I am here to sit with you, zero judgment. Lay it on me.
Let’s Talk.
I’m here to listen without judgment.