Faith-Life Questions
This is typically set-off by an event which just doesn’t seem right. These are some of the most difficult moments for people who are strongly committed to their faith, because simply having these ideas or questions might feel like you are sinning or will make God angry. It might be difficult to even feel this and it can feel lonely, but you’re not alone, you are safe here.
Concerns or Doubts
You are safe here with your questions and concerns about your faith, church, community, or religion. Perhaps you can relate to the concept of deconstruction. I’m here to see you without judgment or shame. I have also had my process of questioning and concerns during seminary and beyond.
Salvation Concerns
This often feels like moving goal posts. One is never certain if we are saved or we often feel not good enough and doubt one’s salvation. It is an uneasy space to be in because we constantly question and check to see if we are good enough, but it never feels like we are. You are safe here. I have also struggled through this and know that you can feel safe in no time.
Theological Wrestling
Some of the loneliest people are pastors and church leaders, who are often held at a different standard. Often entrusted with the responsibility of offering hope and certainty, it can leave very little space for one’s own wrestling. I’m here to sit with leaders. No judgment.
Church Frustrations & Anger
Disagreements in vision, leadership, membership issues are all part of community life. We are often told we cannot experience anger, frustration, rage, etc. These feelings are normal and are not sinful. I have had my share of all of these as well. I am here to sit with you and listen without judgment. These are often related to loss, grief, or powerlessness. I am here to sit with you and not shame your emotions.
Hell, Afterlife, Rapture Anxiety
Often tied to religious fundamentalism, this is something I personally battled with for most of my childhood and young adult life. Often checking in to see if my parents were still around. You are safe here and you matter. You are loved and will not be rejected here.
Christian Confessional
Protestants, Evangelicals and Pentecostals have often looked down upon the concept of confessional, because we think it’s a Catholic thing. James 5:16 tells us otherwise; to confess our sins to one another in order to be healed. We’re missing out on major healing, when our churches often judge, shame and guilt trip their members. I am here to sit with you, zero judgment. Lay it on me.
Let’s Talk.
I’m here to listen without judgment.