Spiritual Disciplines

Spiritual disciplines are centuries old, they have survived for a reason and can bring peace, growth, improve relationships, solidify a connection with God and the divine, and add massive health benefits.


Sometimes you need someone to pray with or to speak about an issue and pray about it together. I can join you while you pray and or I can pray over you. Prayer can bring us to a space of connectedness with God and the divine and can also bring an incredible amount of peace over our lives. Sign me up!


Christian Confessional

Protestants, Evangelicals and Pentecostals have often looked down upon the concept of confessional, because we think it’s a Catholic thing. James 5:16 tells us otherwise; to confess our sins to one another in order to be healed. We’re missing out on major healing, when our churches often judge, shame and guilt trip their members. I am here to sit with you, zero judgment. Lay it on me.

Meditation & Fasting

Sometimes these spiritual disciplines can be seen as something to do by yourself, but they can also be done with friends. I’m here to join you as you fast and meditate. This can bring an incredible amount of peace, awareness, clarity and also has massive health benefits.


Self Examination

Psalm 139 says “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!” This spiritual discipline can be done by oneself, but we are hard on ourselves and this can turn into self loathing and self-harm. I’m here to sit with you with a patient outlook and with massive amounts of grace, knowing that I have also been through moments where I am hard on myself. It is why we need someone to mirror with us.

Tongues & Spiritual Gifts

Many believe that tongues and spiritual gifts have ceased. It might feel lonely to experience these gifts and sometimes you need a friend who speaks in tongues or a voice to mirror while you pray in tongues. I’m here to sit with you and join you in this experience with God.



We are relational beings and we need to be in connection with other humans. If you feel isolated or lonely, know that you are not alone. I am here to listen and I seek first to understand. You are not alone.

Let’s Talk!

I’m here to listen without judgment.